Healthy Fun- Together, For One!
What do you do when they give you those looks, with big eyes full of love, but your wallet and treat jar are empty. Your guilt ridden conscience takes over. Well say no more! We all know that treats for your pets can be expensive sometimes, even harder when you have a picky pet. You don't want them to mooch so you don't feed them people food but you still feel like they deserve special things. Here, we will post easy recipes for homemade treats for all your pets. This week's recipe is for gourmet dog treats. Created by: Juanita...
Soon You'll Be Mine!
Puppies! Kittens! Adorable balls of the absolute fluffiest version of happiness a person could ever hope to achieve! Got your attention now, don't I? Well apart from the benefit of happy something cute running around your home, owning a pet has significant health benefits. 1. People with pets, on average, live two years longer. 2. Stroking a pet lowers your heart rate/blood pressure. 3. People cope better with stress, depression and anxiety. 4. Their unconditional love is an antidote to loneliness. 5. 15- 30 minutes with a pet can increase Serotonin levels. 6. Pets can also be a warning system...