Soon You'll Be Mine!

Puppies! Kittens! Adorable balls of the absolute fluffiest version of happiness a person could ever hope to achieve! Got your attention now, don't I? Well apart from the benefit of happy something cute running around your home, owning a pet has significant health benefits.

1. People with pets, on average, live two years longer.

2. Stroking a pet lowers your heart rate/blood pressure.

3. People cope better with stress, depression and anxiety.

4. Their unconditional love is an antidote to loneliness.

5. 15- 30 minutes with a pet can increase Serotonin levels.

6. Pets can also be a warning system for dangerous situations (smoke, people near the house).

But while you may want a pet now or already own one, did you ever think about adoption? Many people are against the idea of adoption because they believe there is something wrong with the animal but this is almost always NOT the case. Most animals have been forced from their homes /abandoned and already have been trained and are quite affectionate. These animals have had a rough start to life but it's not over yet. Adopting a pet is even better then buying a pure bred.

You -Them

Less costly - new family and love

Constant companionship - Creates more room in shelter and gives other animals more time

In the United States alone, approximately 7 million pets enter a shelter and 4 million of them are euthanized (20% cats, 60% dogs). Roughly only 20% of pets are adopted but this number is on the rise, making thousands of animals extremely happy at their second chance. If you don't have the funds to adopt but still want an animal around you can also foster parent.

Don't Shop, Adopt! It'll change your life and theirs!

"Saving one animal will not change the world, but surely for that one animal, the world will change forever."

-Karen Davison



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